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Bliss Hotel Praslin, Seychelles
Splendid Hotel & Spa, Nice, France
The Lensbury Resort, Teddington, London
Visit Slovenia
InterContinental London Park Lane, UK
70One Restaurant & Lounge, Northampton, UK
Mua Cave, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
Veligandu Island Resort & Spa, Veligandu Island, Maldives
Aling-Aling Waterfall, Bali, Indonesia
San Blas Islands, Panama
John o' Groats, Scotland, UK
Great Scotland Yard Hotel, London
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Tha Nat, Damnoen Saduak District, Ratchaburi, Thailand
Petite Palais, Paris, France
Speedboat Bar, London
My Mykonos Hotel, Mykonos, Greece
Stokksnes, Stokksnesvegur, Iceland
Arc de Triomf, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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