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How it works - Bloggers
To create a blog post, follow these 6 simple steps
Log in and Click "My Blog" in the left hand toolbar from any screen
This will take you to "Manage My Blog" page- Click "Create new blog post"
Step 1
Add your blog post title
Step 2
Upload your feature image (optional)
If you’re copying directly from your blog, just right click on the image on your blog and click "Copy Image URL" (or similar - the exact wording will depend on your browser) and simply paste this into the URL box choosing "Remote URL/image".
Alternatively just upload the image from where you have it saved on your computer.
This image will appear as thumbnail searches on your blog page in ZigAZig and also in Twitter Card posts, Facebook & Google+ posts etc, if you later wish to post the article to your other Social Media platforms. We’ll also use it in our own Social media feeds, if it we select your article as our featured post of the day
Step 3
Add your blog post text and images (you can simply copy and paste this directly from your own blog)
You can also add a summary just by clicking on "Edit Summary" (above the main blog article)
Step 4
Save as draft
Step 5
Now monetize your blog by adding your "stuff"
Just add related "stuff" (relevant to your blog) by creating "Stuff to have", "Stuff to do" or "Places to go". Simply do that in the normal way.
Go back to your ZigAZig blog page and click on the blog which is now in "Draft posts" and click "Edit this post"
Scroll down your ZigAZig blog post and now click "Add items" under "Related stuff"- Just click to add the Stuff you wish to appear at the foot of your blog (and to which you want your blog to attach, allowing other users to find your blog when looking at stuff in "Recently Added" and "What’s Hot" pages)
- You can do this by viewing your most recent added stuff- we’ll automatically show your latest 5 items of "stuff" and you can simply click to reveal more OR you can just type a keyword and we’ll show your stuff matching the word search.
- You can of course add older "Stuff" from anywhere in your "My Stuff" pages, including anything you’ve zapped on your mobile phone in "My Zaps" as well as "Stuff to have", "Stuff to do etc" and "Places to go".
Step 6
You’re now ready to click "Save" and "Submit" (unless of course you want to just save to drafts to make other changes and submit later)
Once submitted, we’ll review your post and drop you an email as soon as it has been published.
We’ll also award "Auto Publish status" to bloggers whose blog post quality is the best, so that those articles are immediately published as soon as you hit the "Submit" button